Tuesday, December 30, 2008
gah, blew a big blister into my left palm. large piece of skin got torn off while doing circuit today and i just burst another big one just beside it so now it's one giant blister. might as well cut off my left hand while we're at it.
went over to ri just as they were packing their equip for the chiangmai trip. i guess it's just as well that we're not going since we don't have a pitcher neways. just hope everyone's been keeping in touch with the game by themselves over the course of this break. wouldn't want to have to backtrack again when school reopens.
team's shaping up nicely though, just have to say that. pitcher's not as untouchable as LKH, but we've got a good defence with backup (for one position at least) now. outfield's getting more hardcore, just gotta translate training offense to the game and hope and pray my dodgy elbow doesn't flare up at the wrong time. in other words, everyone's gna get messed up pretty bad by us next year. good luck y'alls.
just cannot believe we haven't won any shit yet. hopefully God has brought the team this far so that we can finish this off on a high. sec 4's still a painful memory. but the same people aren't around to dish out payback onto. to a certain extent we really kicked their coach's ass last year. just got to put one final stamp, and a boot, into the crack in his butt and we'll be all done.
to 2009, yes yes.
will be spending the last day of '08 on the other side of the island. forgive me if this year goes without a summarising post. not as if anyone comes around anyway.
just dug this out from the team blog -
-lose some bloody weight.
-throw out every runner that dares steal two, have more confidence to throw.
-block all balls. as in, all.
-put on catcher's armour under 15 seconds.
-improve bunting and speed.
-win the damn gold please?
just another timely reminder...
slau updated @ 12:43 AM
Sunday, December 28, 2008
thanks for the cards, mingzhe, grace and tess! :D
so now christmas is over, i guess the next thing to look forward to is er...boon lay countdown? Oo yeah, i'll be spending the last day of 2008 at boon lay, helping out with the countdown there. my parents were slightly pissed that they're gonna have to travel all the way across the island at 12 in the morning to pick me up haha but i'm not so sure they would have liked me to spend the morning at the void deck of a block of flats...would have been interesting though.
i spent a few hours at boon lay yesterday too, packing 5000 goodie bags...or about there i guess. if chee hadn't gotten some of the poloers to help out i think i would still be there today >< not cool man. but at the end of everything my back was aching as much as it had the second day of the softball chalet. haha, but all for a good cause i guess: my cip hours account!
and maybe it just wasn't a good day for me, but after yesterday i would just bomb singapore to hell and back. at the end of everything some of us were moving about 200 of the goodie bags to the CC, which was about 150m from where we were packing everything. initially loading them all onto the two trolleys that were provided seemed like quite a good idea, but in the end everything started falling out even before we were 10% of the way, and in the end i had to load about 20 of the damn bags on each arm and roll the rest on the trolley to the CC. on the way random bags were tipping and falling off and some of the contents even spilled all over the pavement. and cos the group of us were quite dispersed and spread out none of the rest could see my ordeal.
but a hell lot of passers-by could and did any one of them help? NO! fk no! bloody useless creeps...this group of two guys and a girl even stopped right in their tracks and turned around and took another route the minute they saw me coming their way with the trolley. wherever you bastards are, EFF YOU!
damn pricks.
slau updated @ 5:29 PM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
thanks for the presents neo, tami/dawn!
thanks for the card lisa!
and hope everyone has a merry merry christmas!
except for those homosexual fanatics. they can just gnd.
Devildrake: www.meatspin.com
-About 3 minutes later-
Yodo: Woot 1000 spins
Yodo: This game needs highscore table and ingame chat
Devildrake: Dude wtf, it's a shock site, not a game...
Yodo: Oh...
slau updated @ 1:26 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
talk about the spirit of giving. some people really don't deserve to live:
i think we as christians have already taken enough flak from these idiots when they mock our religion and make fun of our beliefs. reading all the attempts that people have made to disprove and ridicule my belief in God's word has already left me seething, but when they try to enforce their will and intimidate others who ultimately just want to do something good, that really pisses me off.
they even went and set up a facebook group! wow! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46089253337
it's okay if gays want to laugh at conservative people like me and other christians, fine if you think we're backward. okay if you dig up all your scientific evidences to say that it's natural and you want to go on and create families without mothers the unnatural way.
but you don't kick up a fuss when neutrals are involved.
i could just kill these a.holes, punching above their weight this time really. kill every one of those damn self-centred sons of bitches. you wna be gay? fine. i believe it's wrong, so leave me the hell alone.
but i don't see any gay organisation volunteering to build schools for disadvantaged children?
or are they all too busy, trying to prove that their way of life is correct? are they really so insecure?
hope they have a messed up christmas.
match! tomorrow! nus!
had a biggggggggggg dinner >< damnit, no lunch for you tmr slau.
slau updated @ 4:38 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
christmas shopping 100% completed! :D
now i have to get down to wrapping stuff :/
slau updated @ 8:08 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
christmas shopping 66.7% done
slau updated @ 11:18 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
christmas shopping 27.3% done
slau updated @ 7:39 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
i did manage to catch a few more hours of sleep in the end, thankfully. hope this kickstarts my glorious compaign to get myself back into the singapore time frame. anyway since i'm stuck at home with nothing much to do i guess i could blog a little about the trip despite the fact that NOBODY SEEMS TO BE COMING HERE ANYWAY!!?? come on, i just left it stagnant for less than two weeks!?
some lessons i learnt from the united states of america:
1. if you are fat, no problem!
seriously, the states is like a paradise for fat people. if i were to add a car tyre's worth of fat around my waist i'd still fit in perfectly i tell you. to give you an example, i actually managed to fit snugly into M-size shirts at two different places over there.
2. if you are american, you make small talk.
even up to the point when i was getting on the plane from san francisco back to singapore, i still had no idea how to reply whenever a complete stranger turned to me and went "How's it going?" really, it's a lot harder than you think.
3. in america, you watch advertisements.
how else can you explain the ho-hum 10-minute long string of commercials on almost every freaking channel i ended up falling asleep halfway through any show i watched!?
4. onions are spicy.
YES i didn't know that.
i think i need some time to rephrase the rest of it. you didn't think i'd only have this to say about the US did you?
slau updated @ 11:28 AM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
express post from the land of the free and the home of the brave:
i officially cannot wait to get back to singapore.
one more day! :D
slau updated @ 1:54 PM