Sunday, June 29, 2008

miracle worker

my brothers in arms! and earners of betting moolah!

he who cometh and he who goeth

and for the one who cometh, he shall lineth by pocketeth with moneyeth
12 bucks to be exact :D
slau updated @ 3:00 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
aiyoh today was such a good day but i suddenly feel the need to take another look at things...peek under the surface, peel off the surface, tear through the skin of reality and think about what will be.
and what could have been.
so today was the first training with the combined schools team and it really puts a lot of things in perspective: the perceptions i had of other people, the stereotypes that i had formed and basically so many things were just turned on their head in that three hours of training.
which totally killed me too by the way. i am super duper unfit and my elbow is killing me i didn't get a single person out at two today and i was one for two at batting and i got on base cos of an error. and it's just one week til our first game in the men's league and it's a given that everybody wants to give a good account of themselves in probably the highest level of competition in singapore softball.
toss in the fact that this is something i've seriously wanted for the frickin longest time. i've been dreaming about donning the jersey, and playing with other school-going guys of the highest level on the same team. not to say that my own teammates from ri and rj aren't as good, but it's a whole new opportunity that i had yet to taste. not to mention the credentials that come with it.
the haphazard nature of this entry thus compels me to move temporarily over to the nature of these credentials and the materialism that is associated with it. yes generosity and selflessness may be virtues of great importance but there must also be a certain sense of realism to everything. how can someone senselessly pursue an ambition or a passion when it gives them nothing but an adrenaline rush? it wouldn't be practical as it won't be able to sustain them in the long run.
my sustenance is of utmost importance to me. and sometimes i have no choice but to put my survival ahead of things that others may feel should be more important. like my morals, and values. and the fact that i simply want to do something because i enjoy it.
and everybody knows what i'd be doing if i really wanted to do something i enjoyed.
definitely not studying.
everything can be perceived as a double-edged sword; not just knowledge, as 'flowers for algernon' may have taught us. should we go about life allowing the rest of the world to just step on our faces and take their place in a hierarchy which has limited capacity for big-headed, self-centred, power-hungry, tyrannical *censored* then we'll be nothing more than dust in the middle of whatever road in life we choose to take. then you just might end up mad. like sweeney todd.
okay fine so back to my day, after training i spent the rest of the day mucking around in school making an absolute nuisance of myself. lit week looks kinda fun and again i wondered what would have happened if i had chosen to take lit. and i look at what other people are doing for lit week and i know i'd have had a hell lot of fun.
at the expense of my grades.
i just wish sometimes school wasn't all about grades. i know i've been thinking about my ri days alot but i just can't help myself, especially now that i can finally get my mind off the books. it's actually quite good that peng is filling up with all sorts of stupid retarded pieces of crap cos that's exactly what we were doing two years ago.
i can't help feeling nostalgic and today while watching some random jap serial about a teacher with a bunch of delinquents i couldn't help but draw parallels to my sec 3/4 class. duh people would say we were crazy and messed up but wth do they know? at least we have memories to keep, and our sec sch life won't just be some blank slate or a missing portion during the 13th to 16th years of our life. i'm just really happy that memories will be treasured and experiances can be shared.
damn i miss 4p...
and then i came home, and i watched lotr, and there was a line in the movie that went something like...
"there are still good things in life bla bla bla...and good things are always worth fighting for yada yada yada..."
and sometimes i think that i haven't really been fighting hard for the good things i want in life. it didn't help that after that i went to read some story about the blood of Jesus that saved me and started feeling all pathetic about my walk as a christian. i know the after life may not concern many at this point in time but i really want to go to heaven. and hopefully i'll see all my friends there too.
this has just been a series of random thoughts that all came together when i actually had the time to sit down and think about them. it's not often that i get the time to do this kinda stuff, so i think all of us should really treasure the time that we have. and i don't mind other people reading about it because i feel that stuff like this can maybe...i dunno, relate to others. it's not that i'm attention-seeking by being emotional, i've hardly ever been these days because they've been some of the better ones so far in rj.
and to end off, spending time with friends is really one of the best ways to live your life. and it's always great when you can get some of that love you show others back in return...
slau updated @ 11:39 PM
throw two more movies into the "slau wants to watch" melting pot:
hellboy II: the golden army

red cliff

and get smart was frickin awesome anne hathaway is so bloody hot!!!
slau updated @ 12:11 AM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
omg...i just watched like, an english version of battle royale T_T
and paid $8.50 for it argh ><
'wanted' was seriously seriously below expectations...from the trailers i thought it was gonna be some damn cool action flick with a very intriguing storyline...and i even went to wiki the comic book synopsis to find out the gist of the story.
and when i read that it was censored and rated R in the US and 18 in the UK for language and violence throughout i was like YEAAA this is gonna be a damn good movie!!!
and it started off well too! there were lots of damn good animated scenes (i way can anyone actually fly across from building to building while smashing through glass in real life right? oO) and i was listening very intently to make sure i wouldn't miss out on any important part of the storyline.
but then it just degenerated into a big mess of random killings and blood and curved bullets and repeated 'violence' that didn't really serve the purpose of the story and lots of cussing that kinda got abit weird in the end cos it just seemed too excessive and in the end kuoying sipei and i were just :O at how the story concluded.
not dazzled and amazed mind you, more like appalled and shocked into disbelief at how a story with so much potential (or so we thought) could have turned out quite so...messed up -.-
i was kinda expecting more to the 'fraternity' than just curving bullets and slowing down time (ok sorry for all the spoilers but i mean you can go watch it at your own risk) and by the time the main character killed the supposed antagonist who turned out to be his father i had totally figured out what the rest of the story was going to be like. oh and probably the 30 minutes worth of stuff before that too.
yes, it was that predictable.
and this time, angelina jolie couldn't do enough to salvage it.
yes, even though there was a nude shot of her.
so in the end everyone like just ended up dead? like battle royale. with an actual storyline that got distorted to omg-ness.
i am so so disappointed.
but i guess there're alot of other movies to make up for it! hopefully they won't be as...bad T_T
oh and if you didn't already know...
slau updated @ 8:09 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
thought this was q funny :p just something to relieve everyone of exam stress maybe xDD physics can go fark itself in the meantime -.-
Comedy great George Carlin died Sunday of heart failure at the age of 71. This is a reprint of his classic bit "The Difference Between Baseball and Football." Excerpted from Brain Droppings by George Carlin, Copyright 1997, Comedy Concepts Inc. Published by Hyperion. All rights reserved.
Baseball is different from any other sport, very different. For instance, in most sports you score points or goals; in baseball you score runs. In most sports the ball, or object, is put in play by the offensive team; in baseball the defensive team puts the ball in play, and only the defense is allowed to touch the ball. In fact, in baseball if an offensive player touches the ball intentionally, he's out; sometimes unintentionally, he's out.
Also: in football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, and all sports played with a ball, you score with the ball and in baseball the ball prevents you from scoring.
In most sports the team is run by a coach; in baseball the team is run by a manager. And only in baseball does the manager or coach wear the same clothing the players do. If you'd ever seen John Madden in his Oakland Raiders uniform, you'd know the reason for this custom.
Now, I've mentioned football. Baseball & football are the two most popular spectator sports in this country. And as such, it seems they ought to be able to tell us something about ourselves and our values.
I enjoy comparing baseball and football:
Baseball is a nineteenth-century pastoral game.
Football is a twentieth-century technological struggle.
Baseball is played on a diamond, in a park. The baseball park!
Football is played on a gridiron, in a stadium, sometimes called Soldier Field or War Memorial Stadium.
Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life.
Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying.
In football you wear a helmet.
In baseball you wear a cap.
Football is concerned with downs — what down is it?
Baseball is concerned with ups — who's up?
In football you receive a penalty.
In baseball you make an error.
In football the specialist comes in to kick.
In baseball the specialist comes in to relieve somebody.
Football has hitting, clipping, spearing, piling on, personal fouls, late hitting and unnecessary roughness.
Baseball has the sacrifice.
Football is played in any kind of weather: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog...
In baseball, if it rains, we don't go out to play.
Baseball has the seventh inning stretch.
Football has the two minute warning.
Baseball has no time limit: we don't know when it's gonna end — might have extra innings.
Football is rigidly timed, and it will end even if we've got to go to sudden death.
In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness.
In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being.
And finally, the objectives of the two games are completely different:
In football the object is for the quarterback, also known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy's defensive line.
In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! — I hope I'll be safe at home!
well toodles...gotta go mug math now T_T
slau updated @ 6:17 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
so, with the common tests coming up in less than 48 hours i have decided in this time of need to list down all the things that i'm supposed to do come thursday, 1030am. reason being, i might just forget all of them while mugging like crazy for the tests (even though i may just fail every one of them in the end). oh, and did i mention i seriously need something else to do besides revising for econs?
haha so first off, there were seriously a hell lot of movies that were released during our june holidays, but because of the timing of the stupid tests i only managed to catch two of them, and iron man was like seriously damn frickin lag, and prince caspian was well...not really a movie outing because i watched it on a pirated dvd in malaysia xDD
but once the cts are over hell yea am i going to make sure i watch every good movie that's out...and whether there's anybody going with me or not i'd very well watch it in the cinema by myself if i had to :p unless they're going to show a scary trailer before that then erm maybe not ><
so some of the seriously FAR OUT movies that i just HAVE to watch:
don't mess with the zohan

the trailer for this just looks TOO FUNNY to be true! haha, be it on the tv or in the cinema i think this is gonna be another of those 'i just spent two hours watching what!?!?!' kinda things, but they're always worth it xD reminds me of meet the spartans, and everyone knows i went to watch that TWICE HAHA!! ok maybe it wasn't such a good idea saying that T_T
get smart

ok this has been getting like rave reviews all over the place and even in the TODAY paper omg how often does that happen? :O so it must be a good movie and i absolutely agree HAHA ok whatevs funny movies appeal to me all the time :P

i think will smith is seriously a genius and a damn good actor and i've probably caught all his movies except i am legend cos i heard that was damn crappy but nevertheless i still saw a bit of it on a dvd...but judging from the trailer i think this is gonna be quite cool too! not to mention funny! harhar!!! so yes another must watch for slau! :D
the incredible hulk

woohoo!! another marvel movie!! :D and i think my comic collection stands testament to the fact that i always go crazy whenever this kinda things come yes! MUST WATCHHHH!!! roar though i have no idea wth the brown monster is supposed to be in the movie...never saw it before in any of the graphic novels oO weeeeird...but it's always good to thrash the storyline after you've watched it i guess xDD
the dark knight

why so serious?
omg the joker looks absolutely freaky in this one i almost screamed at the trailer srsly! despite what everyone used to say about previous batman movies except batman begins i think they're all damn good!!! i guess i just like to see random comic book characters put into film :/ what can i say? i'm easily thrilled...

hm i just saw the trailer for this on the television and it looked so frickin cool that i went to the website immediately to check it out:
er i'm not sure if this is the actual movie website it looks kinda crappy but owell xD was the best i got haha...and angelina jolie is always a plus point!! <333
heck...i'm gonna waste a shit lot of money T_T but that's not all i'm gonna do after cts! my life isn't all about movies :D so don't worry!
see the physio and get my frickin elbow properly treated it's been troubling me for seriously too long and i need to get the problem solved once and for all well they helped me with my shoulder so maybe they can help me with this, the bane of my existence...okay that was going a little over the edge but you get the idea :P
train harder and be ready to kick some softball ass by december! or the sooner the better! must be ready to play at the highest level AT ALL TIMES and seriously make myself the best (Y) combined schools calls!!! cannot embarrass myself at nus open or whatever tournaments we're going for oO
learn to play another instrument probably the guitar cos there're alot of people i can learn from. and it's less bulky than the piano. and i can serenade my wife to be :D
start mugging for promos so i won't have to stress myself out in another three or four months T_T this has seriously been one of the most traumatising periods of my school life so far and i wouldn't want to go through it again please?
haha so yeah...after all that well i guess there's only one thing to do...
back to mugging! :D
slau updated @ 9:28 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
counselling? therapy?
why waste money on preserving your sanity before exams when you could just listen to a SONG? :D
Enormous Penis
Da Vinci's Notebook
Whenever life gets you down,
keeps you wearing a frown,
and the gravy train has left you behind...
and when you're all out of hope,
down at the end of your rope,
and nobody's there to throw you a line...
If you ever get so low
that you don't know which way to go
come on and take a walk in my shoes...
Never worry 'bout a thing
got the world on a string
Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues.
I take a look at my enormous penis
and my troubles start melting away.
I take a look at my enormous penis
and the happy times are coming to stay.
I gotta sing and I dance
when I glance in my pants
and the feeling's like a sunshiney day...
I take a look at my enormous penis
and everything is going my way.
I take a look at my enormous penis
and my troubles start melting away.
I take a look at my enormous penis
and the happy times are coming to stay.
Yeah I got great big amounts
in the place where it counts
and the feeling's like a sunshiney day...
I take a look at my enormous penis
and everything is going my way.
Everything is going my way...
if music be the food of love,
then i'd rather not be smart.
because being smart spoils a lot of things,
and taste isn't kind.
slau updated @ 10:32 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
did i spell nigh correctly? haha i think so, not that i rely on that word very often anyway, but in this case its usage is very apt, because the end seriously is coming T_T for me, at least...
can you handle it? :D
i hope i can, cos it'd be damn sad to break at the first hurdle ): at least if i try and fall flat on my face it wouldn't be as embarrassing :/
ok, yeah it might just be but, i have to try right!
and it's not as if i haven't been trying! i think i've really spent alot of time mugging over the hols, and i think i deserve just rewards ):
omg i'm freaking out ><
oh yea, for my six bucks...

slau updated @ 7:57 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd
faaaaaaaaaaark math...
hm...reading old posts really brings back good memories...
this is all merrill's fault...i really should be studying now :P
from yougotpenged: haha shit this was srsly damn long ago, like more than two years? really great times i can almost imagine all of us in the classroom doing all this retarded stuff xDD
quotes again!
hallo and here is another day of quotes from the classroom of 3P:
1) 7:55am Merrill(to Peng): oh shit so that's how you do it!
haha now you all know why peng's head is so big - he pumps it with air from a football pump!
2) 7:58am Gareth: they have 5 chinamen!
Seetow: oh yah they use their head to block your vision!
haha gwar trying to defend their loss in table tennis to maris stella. obvious link back to peng.
3) 8:05am Merrill: who just took down half of China's population?
peng had just been pushed to the ground.
4) 8:15am Tze Ern: what's m-ole concept?
5) 8:20am Merrill: i had sex.
we know merrill we know. with erica.
6) 8:50am Peng: polar molecules?
Joshua: polar cakes and puffs!
7) 9:10am (teacher - cannot say who otherwise kena caught and canned): Limp Bizkit sounds like a drill there's like no tune!
haha of course you're entitled to your own opinion ma'am.
8) 9:11am Slau: ma'am you look like pikachu!
Seetow: especially with the red cheeks!
pimples - red cheeks?
9) 9:12am Question: what's a cheebye?
Seetow: something you see in between your legs!
10) 9:14am Seetow: Eh you all MINDist arh!
racist, sexist...MINDist!
11) 9:22am Seetow: my pen is going to write on the paper (rubs thing on worksheet)
inside joke...
12) 9:28am Peng: yah i'm so quiet
please lah peng we can hear your brain throbing every second.
13) 9:41am Hiok: i'm sure you write porn lah you draw porn.
14) 12:00pm Seetow: yah lah peng has a lot of CCAs...air pistol, clean the drain, drill a hole, wear a construction hat (damn big one)
(Slau falls off his chair)
dun get this one can ask seetow haha...
15) 12:02pm Seetow: ma'am are you good at literature? oh WHOOPS! ma'am are you good at GP? oh WHOOPS!
16) 12:05am Seetow: must make ms then very angry den all the blood go to her face den cannot see her pimples.
17) 12:06am (teacher) you mean tom likes tami?
haha see...EVERYONE knows!
HAHA and from some damn old blog of mine...shan't reveal the url :p not a side of me many people would like to see but you can really tell the difference between then and now from here xD:
Thursday, July 13, 2006
wahlao maths was a piece of chocolate cake man. i think i really got chance of getting 100% leh hahaz. unless mr teo decides to be strict and minus marks cos i never cancel out the 0/dunno wat forgot alr.
sigh...the nostalgia...
slau updated @ 7:48 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
If you get there before I do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.
from some random, emo slau moment ):
They can take tomorrow and the plans we made
They can take the music that we never play
All the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
They can take the future that we'll never know
They can take the places that we said we will go
All the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
erm well, not exactly yesterday, but recent enough for me to still remember...
It's hard to say that I was wrong
Its hard to say that I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
It's hard to say I held my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
well, you are gone, aren't you? :/
slau updated @ 8:30 PM
The ACDC (Adam/Chu Dance Crew, not what you may be thinking sipei -.-)
The M&M Cru
yeah wth man, never thought an online dance battle could be so interesting oO
anyway, just so people like sipei don't get lost trying to find out what's going on...:P're the related videos (i think):
Number 1 (i mean, it's called "The First Challenge" so yeah, i thought it'd be the first clip if you want to think differently that's your own personal point of view but i mean, yeah, that's what i think la not saying you have to follow whatever i say closely because, you know, i'm not like, smart and all i'm just an average kid not some overachieving whatshisorhername who usually doesn't have the time for this kind of things and you should probably know by now i'm being sarcastic hahas well if you don't then erm, good luck to you :P)
Number 2:
Number 3's in the post below so yeah, check it out YER-ALLSSSS???
Number 4:
and that probably ends it off, not trying to be any male chauvanistic pig or anything, but i think ACDC just totally kicked the butts offa M&M? ya dig?
ok whatevs damn lame -.-
i think it's all damn cool but ACDC just looks more professional and all...and they really get the right people in it like all the ex-So You Think You Can Dance competitors to help out.
SHIT i'm not metro ok! i don't dig dance exactly so i'm not turning girly or anything please don't judge me T_T
oh ya
IT'S 2:49AM!!
HAHA OMG THIS IS HOW ILL-INFORMED I CAN BE (or you can be, face it.)
AFTER ACDC VS M&M CRU, apparently this guy wanted in to!! xDD
shit, reminds me of something 3/4p might have done xDD
slau updated @ 2:39 AM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
and this is what i do at 4:24am in the morning xD
oh yeah, besides studying :p
haha who am i kidding, studying is for DIPSHITS seriously who gets a kick out of doing stuff like that!?
only retards and people who belong in like...owell i probably should keep my comments to myself cos there ARE people out there (gasp!) who like studying apparently. makes them feel very fulfilling and...
oh wait, you bio students already know that!
haha whatevs...have a nice day, studying ;)
slau updated @ 4:23 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
the hell was the idiot that even thought up the idea of math. i bet he's burning in hell now.
i wish i could crack my skull and suck out my brains, then maybe i wouldn't have to sit for the math CT.
but then they'd tell me that i never really needed my brains to do math in the past, thus my kinda sucky to the max grades for math so far.
so in the end i'd just have to do the paper in a hell lot of pain.
oh, and not forgetting the fact that i'd probably lose all recollection of who i really am.
like it even mattered in the first place though.
dang, do i hate math -.-
and most importantly
like me! :D
note: no money involved, but you will feel this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart after all this (:
slau updated @ 8:09 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
mugging's been coming along pretty well so far IMHO. of course i say it by my own mediocre standards: i'll probably going to end up doing a lot worse than i expect come the CTs. so i might as well just start aiming lower shouldn't i? HAHA
shit but i can't lose to chien ming...must get AAAC for this CTs so i'll RAPE his wallet and make him 200 bucks poorer.
haha but who am i kidding...even if by some miraculous, divine intervention i DO manage to get three A's for physics chem and econs (which would already make me frickin damn bloody happy) i probably will only be able to manage a U, at most an S (ass) for math, such is my dire situation.
oh, if only i hadn't been playing my psp at almost every math lecture/tutorial ): i'd be in such a better situation now...
but there's not much i can do about it now...might as well just put my head down and hardcore mug/study/mug/study again until time's up. and during the test just hardcore write...keep writing until time's up. and i've put all my cheating ways behind me (well most of them at least) so i shouldn't be getting any more stick from the Guy up there regarding my moral alignments.
in short i just wish i can give a good account of myself at this CT 1. i think i've been mugging really hard so far, and except for the first week where we had CCAL camp, and all the random stuff i've been doing in the days since then, i've spent almost every other minute reading some stupid notes that i should have totally memorised like ages ago the first time the lecturer went through it. hm, something to think about come term 3. would probably save me a lot of time too. at the same time i'd probably have to get rid of a lot of the junk that's already stuck up there to make some space.
damn, i can't even remember the last time i slept at 3am mugging. doing homework yes, mugging no. and the two are really quite different.
i'm just damn determined to keep to my mugging schedule now and i'm not going to let anything screw up my progress. was like some zombie at training today, lucky it was just dsa trials and i hope we get whoever we want to and can get. all the guys that came down today have their own strenghts and can compliment the team in their own ways so i hope that all of them successfully make it through to rj whether it be through dsa, results or sports appeal. good luck to all of them.
and my elbow flared up again during training. damn and i don't want to go back and see the stupid physio, though i have to admit my shoulder's almost 100% ok now oO maybe i might have to reconsider...haiz. not sure if they'll be too happy to see me hahaz :p
SHIT ok damn i shall end this SOLILOQUAY (woohoo i still got some lit in me) and go finish up my chem revision. have fun mugging peeps and peepettes! [pipettes? ^o)]
slau updated @ 8:48 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
woohoo! i like my new layout alot! :D makes me feel like blogging but i've been too tired since i just came back from malaysia ): even though it was supposed to be like, a holiday there i seriously think i spent more time studying than anything else. which is good, cos now i'm done with econs. yay! :D
the hols are going past quite frickin quickly :/ erps...before you know it everyone'll be back in their school uniforms going to rj waking up at 6+ in the morning. but before that there are CTs!!! ><
but first, i'm really pissed off with a certain someone. i wouldn't say it straight to her face but wtshit!
i'm just too pissed off for words but wdv...i'm really frickin sian now.
slau is be needing some Jesus please!?!?!?!?
like now, if You will!?!?
it makes me really damn frickin sad to be sitting here thinking about my sec 3/4 life. back then i was dying to come to jc and get rid of all the frickin common class tests and small tests and big tests and tall tests and white and black tests...but now i wouldn't mind trading all i have now to go back then. ok, maybe not combined schools. but i wouldn't mind going back then, and facing all the shit that i had to deal with last time, and having a whale of a time with the best frickin class that i ever had!
i dunno why it had to come down to this to make me appreciate 3/4p for what it really was. looking back now i never really indulged in the all-out attempts of people like merrill, bentay, daniel, josh, seetow, sometimes moose sometimes leo sometimes edmund sometimes gan even, to go and break every rule that there was to be broken in the stupid rafflesian handbook. i'd just sit at the side and laugh my guts out. and now i think i'm paying the price.
ponning lectures just don't cut it when you pon them by yourself. the fun comes from the planning and the execution, but most of all in the partaking in the fruits of our labour at the end of all that. and when you're by don't enjoy it as much.
i'm not saying my class at present isn't good. heck, i may not even know what they may be able to accomplish. i am well aware of the fact that each entity in this universe has its own strengths and weaknesses and possibly i would just have to give myself a little more time to warm up to the guys and girls in my class...
i can't stop myself from thinking can i ):
cheers, to:
tze ern
(ok somewhere in the middle i forgot everyone's register numbers so i just put everyone's names down ><)
cheers to 3/4p!
slau updated @ 11:10 PM
Monday, June 2, 2008
this is a SHOUT OUT:
i kinda need people to go with cos it's JUST NOT COOL to go for this kinda stuff yourself!
so if you're going, WAIT UP FOR ME so i can confirm stuff when i come back on THURSDAY please? :D i would be eternally grateful!
and you'd probably have to get a good seat (meaning $24 or $28 ones) to be able to see anything cos there's NO MOSHING allowed since you'd be blocking the guys at the front if you do so and that's JUST NOT COOL!
it's 8th JUNE at SING POLY doods!
29, 30, 31 AUGUST 2008
/edit AGAIN! sorry! ><
haha recently i've attended two 'gigs': shiprocked at the butter factory, and keynotes at the loof today! they've really opened my eyes to the local rock scene and i've really learnt a lot about what it means to be 'professional'. hopefully this will all help me and the band improve and impress that special someone :/ *cross my fingers*

this is from shiprocked at the butter factory that took place last thursday i think! quite sad cos not a lot of people turned up and the bands that day were really good! first time watching armchair critic and trella perform...don't have a lot of photos cos i'm not a photo guy :/
keynotes at the loof today was a lot more happening! more bands, more people, more atmosphere! it was like at this pub thingy in the open on the third level of odeon towers opposite raffles hotel and it was really cramped at first when the first band caracal (of which i have no photos. dang) came out to play but unfortunately (but not so for me) it became less crowded as the night wore on cos the stupid thing started frickin late and more people started to leave until it was almost half empty when armchair critic (dunno why they're always playing last!) came out to perform...

the setup...with no band duh.

the empty stage...from another position.

silhouette! second band of the night and they're performing at baybeats too!

cardinal avenue! also going to baybeats. third band of the night.

TRELLA! haha omg i think trella is frickin cool the small guitarist is frickin awesome! inspiring!! *cries*


ARMCHAIR! a three man band.


ARMCHAIR!!!! haha i'm becoming quite a fan xD lucky ffaf got postponed so now i can go see them!
haha sorry it was quite hard to find a proper position to take photos from where i was sitting...and i did shift a lot during the whole thing. oh and these were taken with my handphone so yeah, don't kill me ><
on the whole was really a good experiance and there i shall leave you with this before i go to malaysia for like, four days? coming back on thursday so PLEASE MISS ME! and thanks sipei for inviting me i know you're reading this!
slau updated @ 12:18 AM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
my blog is alive!
well, sorta :/
i don't really mean to be emo! honestly, would anyone who knows me think i'm the emo kinda guy? oO exactly. i'm not! and i never asked to be! it's just that things don't really work out the way they should sometimes, and when they don't, you can't really expect me to go jumping around like how i usually do, do you?
i am entitled to my own angsty, emo, sad, disappointed, wasted, anguished moments in my life, aren't i?
and most of them seem to revolve around the same few topics...i'm sure a lot of us may be able to i won't really bother to elaborate.
anyhoo it's been quite a good start to the holidays.
like i mentioned earlier, i just came back from ccal camp and i really had a whale of a time there! got to meet a lot of really nice people and the camp just put a lot of us in new situations where we were able to see the new sides of old friends, as well as see old friends in new ones. doesn't really make sense but i was trying to fit the whole literary thing in :/
some things that i will keep with me for a very long time:
olivia's math!
olivia's cooking! don't worry...this won't just revolve around her xD
pauline and yiyun's warped state of mind! yes, you wouldn't believe the things that they talk about...
merrill and chengwen's crazy stretcher lifting! seriously, hats off to the two of them who carried the stretcher plus the stupid 30kg casualty almost 4km during the land expedition.
the fun singing in the bus! and the discovery of a star in the making...obviously i fancy myself to be better than pauline but that girl can sing! chinese too!
sherrie's sauntering!
olivia's strutting!
merrill and chengwen's gay tendencies! it isn't a coincidence that these two names have appeared together twice already. they did sleep in the same tent during the camp after all. with me. and stefan.
the food. which sucked omg, except for olivia's cooking and the BBQ on the last night.
showering in the cubicle! haha i think i was the only guy that did that? everyone else probably used the communal shower at least once i think? haha don't blame me, blame jaina for telling me about chuck and larry three days before the frickin camp!
finally seeing a flush on the third day! it was frickin good being able to press the flush button in the hotel toilet, and actually get to sit on a toilet seat!
feasting on marshmallows at night and trying to roast them by candlelight! epic failure with seepee, the ang moh and other random people...
screaming pass it on with merrill!
screaming batch song! ON MY OWWWWWWWWWN! i think i heard pauline somewhere too though...
having a hard time sleeping at night cos the tent was so damn hot!
having a hard time sleeping at night cos the ground was so bumpy!
having a hard time finding the right words to say to you!
having a hard time finding the right ways to approach you!
having a hard time even looking at you!
talking/emoing/angsting/screwing around with rock peeps! yingqi ang-moh and seepee! not so much kelvin but owell he was there too!
getting damn pissed off with people!
rowing in the dragonboat to chants like BJ and BASKET!
having fun with other sub-groups especially the HANSUM one and neo's group at night activity!
walking like a crab at land ex with nicky due to groin abrasion!
making a difference by getting my hands dirty! planting mangroves!
sinking into the mud on my BUTT!!
laughing a lot!
eating a lot!
sleeping a lot! especially when i got back!
haha seriously, i would really like to go back and do all that again! and maybe change one or two things here and there, but i would really like to go back!
hope the rest of the hols will be just as enjoyable! (:
i know it's been damn frickin long, but...

my only consolation in this time of need! <3 rock!
and i don't even know all the people in there yet!
slau updated @ 12:03 AM