Saturday, April 26, 2008
sigh...the ignominy of defeat as favourites is apparently not enough to hold the tongue of a certain someone. what we have to do to earn his respect i do not know.
anyhoo we beat vj 7-5 ytd and hopefully the season just goes up from here on with hwachong next after we lost to acsi 12-5 in our first game. good luck to ac too.
slau updated @ 12:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
those guailan tags really put me off blogging for awhile...thus the unexpected hiatus. but anyway, quite abit of stuff has been happening in school, though i'm not really going to blog about everything.
im kinda falling behind in my work cos of laziness so im gna have to kick that habit, no matter how unwillingly it will be. really have to do well in jc and get my AAAC for CTs and get moolah from chien ming :P
council campaigning has also come and gone and the list of councillors also came out awhile ago. quite happy that alot of my friends got in :D now i have so many friends in high places moowahaha.
and speaking of friends i think i have alot of nice people for friends in jc, people that i can just sit down and start talking with. makes school such a nice place :)
but there's chem spa tmr so...ahhh sucks quite scared for it :/ hope i do well *cross fingers*
and come for rock concert on friday! :D 5 bucks only at the PAC starts at 6pm PLEASE BUY FROM ME DON'T BUY TICKETS FROM ANYBODY ELSE KTHANKS
slau updated @ 10:35 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
i seem to be stuck in some kind of permanent pms cycle: everything seems to irritate me to a certain extent, whether it's slightly or really really pisses me off. and i have no idea why. it's not like it's the first time each of these things happen; i've been around these people for quite awhile, they've been doing their thang for quite awhile, it's been that way for quite awhile. seems like it's my perception of things that have changed, and i have no idea why.
maybe it's because of some new outlook to life that i've subconsciously developed. i don't want to seem philosophical or anything, because i'm not, but life seems to have taken on a whole new meaning once you're three, four months into jc. people don't seem to act that way they should, and people aren't all that transparent anymore. you become more aware of things that happen around you, and that only serves to put up more barriers around your true personality to keep yourself from being exposed to these new variables.
people just seem so fake now, and especially since it's the period where councillors stand for election, this artificiality, i feel, really comes to the fore. i really cannot be bothered who comes to me to ask for my vote, because for one, one vote won't make a difference, and two, i've already decided who to vote for.
admittedly the work is starting to pile up and that has added a certain amount of stress to my already screwed up life. homework, training, rock concert...and it doesn't end there. i cannot be bothered to listen to what the lecturer says during lectures because i'm just not fast enough to catch any of it. well too bad for me then...isn't my lack of attention therefore justified?
this blog is one place where i can say FUCK YOU to the world and not get punched in the face for it. so, this is just going to be one daaaaaamn angry website!
slau updated @ 8:52 PM