Monday, July 30, 2007
sigh, here it goes all over L trying to bring poor old slau to justice ):
wehell, this time i be having a solid alibi yes yes!
slau updated @ 2:38 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
i've just been like damn happy/sad/whatever other feelings you feel when you're a secondary school student oO
and i think my hair might just fail tomorrow HAHA...
but i'm damn pissed off cos i don't have an excuse to go watch the semis tmr? or the finals? wth man i hate ri la it can go screw itself in the A__! what the fuck is this man -_-
dramafeste totally rocked man! i mean, bayley so totally owned! they were damn freaking good and i'm so proud to be wearing yellow x) scrot is teh imba and he really uses his feminine uh...ness to good use! haha
but i thought hullett's was really very good! like that warden guy was really damn freaky. and that daniel person is like a jotham spawn! WAHAHAA!!!
morrison was damn cool also i totally <3 the costumes...and the story is damn cool lor...reminds me of the all that i've got mv...
like heard some really bad news this morning...really hopes someone can help him. maybe i should be the one to...but i really have no idea how he's feeling cos it's really very serious T_T
slau updated @ 8:37 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
probably through to semis already, but still have to totally own and fuck the shit out of orchird park on wednesday. then, i'm sure they'll kick cat high's asses all the way around turf city and go to the finals where they'll teach damai that singaporeans play better softball that overaged nepalese!
today was quite eventful.
fucked up lit test.
struck out some people :D
hit some people -_-
and hit a homerun ^^
out of hui fu -_-
haha so, toodles!
slau updated @ 8:51 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
ORA 13-6 Hunters!
slau updated @ 10:12 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
cannot NOT be happy for the c div :D
and coach
and mr chng
and all those who will benefit because of their imba-ness.
obviously not ri cos they really had nothing to do with it
and obviously not our pathetic former teacher in charge mrs i-see-thunder-and-hear-lightning. lol!
but good for them la they're lucky to have great teachers in charge now who really would do anything for them whenever softball is concerned.
so yeah, maybe we didn't get through to the semis so our c div would be able to take revenge for us. ever wondered how both the b and c divs could get exactly the same second round groupings? haha what a time to kick both peicai and orchird park's asses for being such sore losers and match fixers! hope they humiliate them when they come to ri. so lucky to have three home games in the second round group alone. rocks. God loves our c div (:
so, to a very successful c div year!
make up for our disappointments.
slau updated @ 8:52 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
wahaha scored my FIRST game today!
RI 12-2 Montfort!
SIA LA SUPER IMBA our c div gna own this year.
ken min throw two ppl out at one inning! :D
our proteges lor -nods
slau updated @ 8:40 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
some words...
first day was kind of a waste of time lol. didn't get to play and got damn pissed about some things and with some people.
but today was quite fun. apart from banging into chiajoo i think i did ok :/ batting was 1 for 2, got struck out by aston. couldn't do much about the bloopers at right field, just have to run faster next time.
and i hit the hwachong guy! :D revenge! pitch me one outside low SIA LA favourtie spot man bang between right and centre field :D
and last but not least
tmd groin abrassion T_T
slau updated @ 8:43 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
lol splurged like some mad on comics today.
bought the thunderbolts civil war subplot
marvel universe subplot
and amazing spiderman subplot
and NEXTWAVE!!! shit la still looking for the collection of issues 1-6, only managed to get 7-12...
one day these will all be COLLECTORS' ITEMS!
slau updated @ 10:42 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
to hell with respect. i went crazy today, just saying the first things that came to my mind. i don't give a shit about putting on a show anymore. why should i not be just me? why should i try to act like i'm a good boy that just follows the rules when they are obviously so bloody screwed up?
i wish i could just pack up and leave ri and go to another school. to hell with elites. they're just as fallible as the rest.
When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
slau updated @ 9:42 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
my favourite emo, angsty song
all that i've got, by the used.
haven't listened to it in a damn long time but fuck is it a good way to get rid of all the confusion.
So deep, that it didn't even bleed and catch me
Off guard, red handed
Now I'm far from lonely
I sleep, I still see you lying next to me
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I...
I need something average
Someone please just give me
Hit me and knock me out
And let me go back to sleep
I can't laugh
All I want inside I still am empty
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I...
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I'll be just fine
Predenting I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I guess, I remember every glance you shot me
Un-harmed, I'm losing weight and some body heat
Eyes closed so hard
I stopped your heart from beating
So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me, I..
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
I'll be just fine
Predenting I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
And it's all that I've got
Yeah, it's all that I've got
It's all that I've got
It's all that I've got!
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me
So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
and it's all that I've got
I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got
And it's all that I've got
Yeah, it's all that I've got
slau updated @ 8:36 PM
to hell with abstinence. i have no idea why i can't just get back to the way i was before? before i had this stupid blog for me to rant and be emo for the whole world to see, rather than emoing to myself in my own little corner at home.
i really thought i was over it, and maybe i am! just that i can't seem to let go, and i have no idea why. i want to, i don't want to remain this way, disappointed, heartbroken, let down, all my life. i want to feel like a kid again, where everything was so unimportant, and everything could be taken at face value. now, everything that i hear seems to have a double meaning, and that gets be all riled up and angsty and whatever else.
i think i sort of lost it today during school. or yesterday. i cut out a heart during physics, from paper, and sorta hung it from my shirt pocket. i had no idea why i did that, or why i coloured it black. but come to think of it, i feel that it does have a certain significance, because when i finally come out of all this, my heart will be hardened beyond repair, and i will be some emotionless shell devoid of feelings. no, no one needs to feel guilty because i got myself into all this shit by my own hands.
i'm getting damn pissed off with everything. my elbow just won't fucking get better. the moment i think i'm ok for good on sunday, the pain comes back, and i can't fucking throw or bat properly at all.
and then i get pissed off by all the bullshit and all the fuck that's come my way, and i try to take it out during training, but the fucking elbow and the fucking pain just prevents me from doing so. and it's a choice between whether i want to just kill myself and die from overexersion, because my elbow just feels like it's going to come off any second, or just train normally, subdued, and go home and thrash the house or rant on this blog.
i guess i'm just stuck between who i am and who i want to be.
i want to be loved. i want to have a good life. everyone chastises me when i lament how unlucky i am or how screwed up my life is. you think i don't know how poor or hungry other people are in other countries? or how people have lost family members? i'm not stupid you know. i'm in ri for a fucking reason. and i'm not that ignorant either.
i just feel so fucking pissed off that i've never met my expectations in anything at all my entire life. be it sports or studies, i've never failed to screw them up totally. even my life is so terribly fucked up i'd give anything to change it with someone else. but even then it wouldn't be of any use cos i guess i'd just mess it up all over again.
yeah duh i'm sad, but does anybody know? does anybody care? i think i'd have jumped a fucking long time ago if i wasn't a christian. no, i don't want to go to hell, because satan would just give me all the bullshit i'm facing now. and you can't commit suicide in hell can you.
i'm just so disappointed with life, and how mine has turned out. and how i've not been able to cope properly with any of the things that have come my way.
i blog more when i'm feeling like this.
looks like i'll be blogging quite often.
slau updated @ 1:21 AM
Sunday, July 8, 2007
ORA 12-3 NUS
played one inning today but haha today's match was really kinda like ora all the way cos we led from start to finish. victor is some imba pitcher and yuen pyng's fielding is just...godlike la. neo was at his usual best today, 3 for 3 and everybody was like just getting on base and playing without stress...bunts included.
tmd la the one at bat i got, didn't follow through and hit one straight at the second base :/ sheesh.
slau updated @ 5:14 PM
Saturday, July 7, 2007
the past few days have served to prove that abstinence can solve any kind of addiction.
yay me, for i am free from your bonds.
slau updated @ 9:30 PM
wah lucky i'm not going for any training today o.o my arms, abs, legs, WHOLE FREAKING BODY is aching like some mad! walao, i think yesterday too angry i pump too much weights alr o.o seriously i think that's been the longest i've ever stayed at the gym. and never do all the exercises somemore!
wahoo tomorrow playing nus! :D i really hope i get to play leh plsplspls i hope they don't kick me out cos of last week >< damn sad i think tomorrow will be damn fun :D i wanna try to get that shyafiq guy out at two again humph last year almost did lor but omg he's like damn fast? o.o lol. but aiyah zzzzz must hope my arms are ok by tomorrow otherwise no point cannot do anything ): then cannot play D:
Your EQ is 140 |
 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. | i guess i know who the losers are already huh :D
You Can Make 63% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You |
 Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal. Just don't let someone you're really into get the better of you! As long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the prize at the end. |
wtfreak! somehow i feel this makes me sound like some sick pervert!
slau updated @ 12:45 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007
weheeeeeeeell, so today was mufti day. well, yesterday was mufti day as well. and so was the day before yesterday. but i kinda think of them as stupid days cos wth what kind of mufti day is it when you have to wear school pants?! lol...ri getting damn lame.
well today i think we actually had a proper math lesson. or so the rest were saying, cos i was playing my psp the entire lesson. in my pencil case. large billabong pencilcases ftw! haha maybe i shouldn't have been...after all it IS the last day of school without seetow o_O
english was really...abit weird. shan't comment.
pe was CRAP! i hate it! but i actually reached the top of the rockclimbing thing! :D i rock manz! first time in my entire life i reached the top of a rock wall! YAY ME i'm a winner now lol! but wth right after i came down (after getting whacked against the wall countless times by nat) my fingers and forearms started aching, and i couldnt bend my fingers properly and during recess i couldn't grip my chopsticks properly and had to use the spoon to eat my teriyaki chicken o_O
i. hate. rockclimbing.
oh yes and can someone pls confirm whether its moshi moshi or mushi mushi! i'm damn confused!
well after that was ss...which rocked cos we were drawing all kinds of stupid stuff on the whiteboard in the project room :D too bad you can't see any of them cos i really took pictures but they were so abstract that my camera lens cracked o_O
then went to gym. which wasn't really a very good idea given my exertions during pe. but wth i was damn pissed off so it kinda didn't matter o_O just whined maybe a little too much about the pain AND the idiotic posers/act cool losers who turned up at the gym during our softball slot? like HELLO they allocate cca slots for a reason?! lol i'd go on and on about my debate about sports cca vs non-sports cca but i shan't because i think someone would just...kill me :D
and i dowan to get into shit with you-know-who again so...xD
he's a loser anw -_-
sigh. i love nic's silicon psp cover. sigggggggggh. i wan to buy! idiots! why did i not go to the shop! if i'd gone to shop i wouldn't have been able to contain myself and would have bought it FOR SURE! i think black goes well with my gold psp, ya thing? xD
well, looking forward to buying it on tuesday then (:
40 bucks!
slau updated @ 6:34 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
thanks to a certain someone,
One. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true.
Two. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
Three. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
Four. Post them on your Blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!
Five. Get 5 others to do the same.
1) i was in choir in p3.
2) i campaigned for votes in p5.
3)i got hit in the crotch by a tennis ball. at point blank range. by my tennis coach. on purpose.
4) i don't read chick lit. hate it.
5) i finished reading chronicles of narnia in p3.
6) i want to be a pe teacher when i grow up.
7) i have now bought 6 gloves for softball in total.
8) the only thing preventing me from committing suicide is my religion.
9) i <3 webcamming!
10) i adore spiderman3. my favourite movie.
11) i used to eat ants.
12) i have an acsi cousin who hates girls.
13) if i had a choice, i'd eat only meat every single day.
14) i've worn fbts.
15) i love coffee bean.
16) if i had a choice, i'd pick going to heaven over sex.
17) i get 100 bucks a month for allowance. really.
18) i used to sport long hair to my shoulders in kindergarten.
19) i wake up every morning at 9am on sundays to watch fantastic four.
20) i <3 avatar and am eagerly waiting for season 3 to come out.
sure get wrong one. NOOBS xD
slau updated @ 11:35 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
oh thank GOD for smart people like alina who like, GET THE HINT NO?! not like some people i mean COME ON MAN don't you ever look through your contacts!?
so yeah well math test was damn fked up. had to copy all of tze ern's answers. hope steve doesn't realise my answers and workings are totally the same as his.
walao our new bio teacher sucks. really i hate him. pointed the double fingers behind his back i think a record 10 times today. seriously, that's how much i dislike him. maybe next lesson i'll stand on the chair and do it.
he's a beyotch a really. super bitchy, asks stupid questions like 'why do i have to stop my lesson to scold you? that's a rhetorical question.' i mean like COME ON MAN?! GIVE US A BREAK ALREADY!
grar. doing re now...
slau updated @ 7:56 PM
Monday, July 2, 2007
well ok! in an attempt to get myself to keep blogging, i have come up with this...weekly thing where i just tell myself whatever it is i want to do for the week. so yeah, here goes:
tmr, i just want to do well for physics. really. even though i appear to have been sleeping alot for physics, i just want to do well cos i've been mugging like fuck for it during the hols. how much? well i went to my bloody cousin's (who i can't stand) house to get her to tutor me! and she's an ex-rgs ex-rj current nus student who's damn frigging smart so you can imagine just how irritating she is -_-
lucky i didn't go to her to help me with math...i'd just die cos my math is worse than my physics. so, all i want is to just pass or get like 60% or something. hopefully 70.
uhm. don't screw up das video taking. like, without any glitches or those shit. i mean, for once can't something just go well for re? the interview at mfa was really enjoyable so maybe it'd carry over if i'm a good boy (:
rj training...must really work on my throw la. wth ytd i really screwed up and we could have beaten hwachong alumni by a bigger score if i hadn't screwed up. so, yeah batting, throws...i think my fielding was ok didn't miss any bad pitches did i? o.o or none that mattered...
sunday vs nus! must make sure i do well, if i even have time to play. maybe i'll be more relaxed cos i know more ppl from nus than frm hwachong o.o ok i didn't know anyone from hwachong. but sunday there's kenny, lionel, eugene...maybe some of the '05 batch (was it?) like woonyang...
haiz. fucked up. i also would really like to stop thinking about you? someone suggested i delete you frm my msn list but, i can't i just can't. cos i really ____ you.
slau updated @ 8:21 PM
there's something wrong with me minute i think i'm ok and i can deal with it, the next i'm forced to talk it out with people, and now i've got a really big decision on my hands.
to get rid of it 100% or not o_O
how am i supposed to wth...
life sucks cos it starts with an l. and so does love.
slau updated @ 5:18 PM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
OKOK the following post is strictly only for those with a regular heartbeat and a normal sex drive so, neo? cannot read k :D
yo momma's so ugly:
a fly wouldn't sit on her
her doctor is a veterinarian
her mum had to be drunk to breastfeed her
her mum had to tie a steak round her neck to get the dog to play with her
her vibrator turned limp
i heard that your dad first met her at a pound
i wouldn't screw her with a stolen dick!
i've seen cow pies i'd rather do it with
just after she was born, her mother said "what a treasure!" and her father said, "yes, let's go bury it!"
people dress up as her for Halloween
she could curdle urine
she has to get her vibrator drunk first
she looked out the window and got arrested for mooning
she looks like a bulldog licking piss off a thistle
she makes my arse pucker
she practises birth-control by leaving the lights on
she won't even play with herself
they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints
they use her in prison to cure sex offenders
yo daddy rather kiss her arse than look in her face
yo momma's so stupid:
she got fired from a blow-job
she got fired from the M&M's factory for throwing away all the W's
she jumped out the window and went up
she ordered a cheeseburger from MacDonald's and said "Hold the cheese"
she ordered her sushi well done
she put a quarter in the parking meter and waited for the gumball to come out
so saw a sign saying wet floor, so she did
she thinks menopause is a button on the stereo
she thinks softball is a venereal disease
she tried to commit suicide by jumping off the curb
yo momma's so fat:
all the restaurants in town have signs that say: maximum occupancy: 240 patrons or your momma
at the zoo elephants started throwing her peanuts
even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction
i had to take the train a two buses just to get on her good side
i got lost while trying to walk around her
i tried to drive around her and ran out of gas
she can use Mt Everest for a dildo
she fell in love and broke it
she makes sumo wrestlers look anorexic
she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth
she's 36-24-36, but that's her forearm, neck and thigh
she's got more chins than a Hong Kong phonebook
she's on both sides of the family
she sits on coals and farts out a diamond
the horse on her polo shirt is real
when she was diagnosed with a flesh-eating disease, the doctor gave her five years to live
you couldn't tell where her boobs end and her arms begin
slau updated @ 4:03 PM
woohoo i'm in the house of a nub now. joel's house to be exact. and it's damn hard typing with a phiten band around one hand o.o
to the bastard at the phiten shop: FUCK YOU MOTHER CHAO NEH your stupid shit doesn't freaking work now i have a neck ache bastard! go rub your massaging cream on your own dick la kns. -_-
well yeah, i have a neckache so :/ pain!
haha but today was a good day :D or so it has been so far -_-
we beat hwachong OBOYZ 7-6! :D but it was a mightily screwed up game for me -_- well, as the law of averages state, if someone's having a good game someone else has to be having a bad game right? o.o so i guess i was the unlucky one today T_T
well anw, after the first inning the score was 5-2 to us! :D but i screwed up a throw to three T_T haven't play competitively for damn long already cannot get the proper mental state of mind o_O
so yeah, i overthrew at three -_- kns.
first inning i bunted, got mr varsity to three. woohoo but that was quite a pro inning :D we got a look at super chia! chiajoo ftw!
but then they scored two T_T after wei sheng overthrew at home on a force play! omg bases loaded la pls! but freaking hell after that i got struck out by three freaking risers! ALL FUCKING RISERS KNS!
then i overthrew at three...AGAIN and let in the run that put them ahead T_T
but as always, the law of averages pwns all and in the last inning after getting two out (varsity and me T_T AGAIN! wahlao i suck) SUPER CHIA hit a two base that just tipped the glove of the left field :D
see! law of averages!
and then after that neo hit a three base! driven straight between the right field and the centre field :O:O:O:O:O combined school power omg!
haha then on the way home chiajoo FELL OVER like, 20 feet away from the home plate! and being SUPER CHIA, he SWAM to the plate! :D FREE STYLE!!! so we were tied...haha then after that eugene hit a grounder to the damn ap ex-acs shortstop and his throw was too slow to beat THE MAN?!!! omg eugene's pitching is chao ji imba man! and never train for damn long somemore!
then neo scored the winning run so, :D whoopee!!
but fuck man i wish i can play better the next game...against NUS la! got KENNY! :O
haha anw i found this damn cool brand called j!nx, making shirts for geeks and gamers la. and they have captions on their shirts like
i saw your mom on the internet! and
nobody reads my blog and
everytime you download music, God kills a cat and
your reading skill just improved by 1! or something like that...
but yeah you can only order it in from the US so i dno how much is the shipping fee on top of the 8USD (about) you have to pay for each shirt. and my dad is going to the us in october! :D buy and sell! hehehe...
slau updated @ 3:10 PM